Awesome Citizen Animal Health Projects SFRAW Supports: Please Participate!

Heads-up!  There are a few really cool research projects taking place right now that we hope our members will both support and participate in.  We encourage everyone to get involved — this type of independently funded research (by you and people or organizations that are not directly influenced by megafood/pet food corporations/industry) is directed at understanding what we can do to help our companion animals live healthier, longer lives.

We are very excited by this type of research and hope to see many SFRAW members participate, and support/contribute, if you can!

Long Living Pets Research Projects

Mission: Help pets live longer healthier lives and limit the risk of cancer. This project provides guidance, and research-driven information to better the health of dogs and cats. They are seeking participants for their research projects and you can easily register your pets online to participate — any pet can be included, past and present/any health status. Click the photo to learn more…



KetoPet Sanctuary

Providing Human-Grade Cancer Therapy & Healing Lifetime Sanctuary for Dogs

Right now, on a 53-acre plot of land outside Austin, Texas, we at KetoPet Sanctuary (KPS) are doing something incredible. This isn’t your typical canine rescue facility. KPS goes out of its way to rescue dogs with incurable, terminal cancer. Our goal isn’t to provide hospice-like treatment for terminal dogs – of course we care for and love the animals, but instead of writing off the canine companions to their fate, we at KPS provide groundbreaking cancer therapy. We’ve been doing this since October of 2014 and the results are astounding. Plus, we guarantee each dog will have a loving forever home, for life.

Learn more and donate to support this research and rescue effort — and learn more about how to prevent and treat cancer in your own animals!




Science for cats and dogs: Your companion’s health and happiness start with a balanced gut microbiome.

AnimailBiome is a citizen supported research project that seeks to learn more about our dog/cat’s gut microbiomes in order to prevent and treat illness, as well as better understand how their unique gut microbiome status has an influence on behavior and health.

Learn more about their assessment kits for dogs or cats – which you can order and get results for now!

As part of our community, your pet’s gut bacteria will be used to improve the lives of other pets. We’re actively developing new therapeutics for cats and dogs with digestive disorders, including Fecal Microbiota Transplant Pills.

Animalbiome is the website representing the following two projects driven by the same group of researchers – learn more about these exciting projects below…

Kittybiome Project

The first Citizen Science project using the latest DNA sequencing technologies to explore the microbes that live in and on kitties. The Kittybiome Project is studying how microbes interact with cat biology, behavior and health. They are conducting the world’s largest study of the microbiome of kitties.

This is such exciting research with tremendous impact on the overall health and longevity of our feline friends. Register your cat(s) today, donate (if you can) and get a kit to learn about your own cats’ microbiome!


Inviting YOU and your DOG to participate in a citizen science study of the doggy microbiome – brought to you by the creators of KittyBiome.

This project will help us to better understand how microbiomes differ among dogs. We need all kinds of dogs to participate – big and small, all kinds of breeds and mixes, healthy and sick.


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